
Mom and i laughing

Ahh, I’m becoming my mom! I declare I’ll be so happy and laughing one minute, and the next, I’ve become this crazy nagging bitch. Not that my mom is some of those things, but you get the idea. I’m starting to try to find other ways to curb this crazy nature. Like going for long walks, exercising, playing with my kitties and staying away from comfort food. If some one has some other ideas on how to get inferior moody…would be much appreciated.

Admit as a person

I'm a untidy person, but I've always thought of myself as an designed kind of messy. Sure it may have looked like a tornado specifically targeted my shack to the untrained eye, but I knew exactly where everything was. However, it got really bad at digit point. I could no longer see the floor and it was difficult to sleep in my bed because I had thrown things on there as well.I was getting bushed of it so digit day, when I had nothing to do, I threw everything on the floor, including clothes and things in the drawers. I put everything into designed piles. It took a some hours, but after that I placed all the designed piles into the drawers, closets, and other areas I wanted them to be. Everything else went to the trash, was recycled, or donated to charity.