I started riding when I was about 10 years old because my friend who rode had a sort of “riding party” and took some of us to the stables where she rode, and we had a riding lesson. After that I knew I had found the thing that I just needed to do in life. It was an amazing feeling; and I had always thought horses were beautiful. So I started riding at the stables my friend rode at and mainly rode a beautiful, though fairly old, horse named Toby and a small pony called Maisie. Toby was very slow and steady but was very gentle; I felt very safe on him. Maisie was a lovely pony and I had my first little jump on here which was fun. The stables I went to there were not my favourite, I wasn’t too fond of some of the people but I was determined not to give up riding so continued. Eventually those stables closed down and I began to ride at another riding school where a friend of mine rode. I rode various horses and ponies there but didn’t feel I was moving along very quickly; I was stuck in a novice lesson for about a year just doing trotting, 20 metre circles and sitting trot. I knew I was ready to do more really, I was desperate to canter.
I rode at that place with two of my friends. One stayed but me and the other decided to move to another place which seemed a lot better. We have been riding there for about a year and have started to canter, jump and hack out. I couldn’t be happier. We’ve gained a lot of expierience, some bad and some good. For example, we’ve hacked out and been bolted with, fallen off plenty of times, my friend was reared with and I’ve been bucked off twice. But it’s so much better than being in a tiny school trotting and watching others canter past, then feeling so jealous of them.
I don’t just want a horse. I need one really. One day I will get a horse because I am so determined. For now I am happy riding at the stables I’m at, I stay after my lesson and help out; I’ve learned so much and am happy but I know in the future I will have my own horse. Nothing will stop me.